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How to plan a vacation properly

How it works
How HOLICAY works
Planning a group vacation is difficult
There's too much to research. Finding things to do, checking distances between places and non stop price comparisions. Blogs for this and maps for that, there's too much going on for especially for group travel. If you are stressed out and spending too much time planning, we understand. Holicay technology lets you buy trips you design in one click.
Planning a trip for families today takes at least 20 hours and this is excluding the effort needed to manage to trip in the destination. Holicay lets you experience the comfort of a private vacation at the price of a group booking.
Holicay gives users economies of scale for small group bookings. Cost savings for suppliers
Finding trip ideas
Lots of blog reading. Multiple browser tabs open. Too much research.
Find free travel templates that you can import into your own plans. Choose from over 200+ templates with pictures, map locations and reviews in one place . No more starting from scratch.
Save time from mindless research on Google and use pre-made filters to help you find a suitable template for your next trip.
Planning the trip
Copy and paste information from browser to Word/ Excel/ Notepad. Check distances between places from Google Maps for traveling times
Import pre-filled templates into your own plan. Drag and Drop to organize your itinerary. Use our Optimize Route to get the best traveling paths one click.
Find recommendations for things to do or places to stay directly on the Holicay Map. Invite friends to collaborate with you online.
Booking travel
Too many booking websites. Too much price comparison. Bookings are made on different platforms and received in different emails.
One all-in price for the trip you design. Bulk discounts when you travel with more than 2 people. One App containing all your bookings
Get support from in-destnation human concierge and enjoy the comforts of a private vacation - all planned for you
Faster travel planning, greater cost savings, a more private experience on Holicay
We love traveling with friends and family but planning trips for groups take too long today. Blogs for this, booking sites for that, that's lots of stress for a vacation.

We founded Holicay because we want to make trip personalization faster, cheaper and more collaborative. Choose your hotels and things to do, let us find the best all-in price for your private vacation at no additional cost.

If you are a family or a group of friends looking to travel, focus on the memories you want to create and leave the trip logistics to us. You'll save time and get a hassle free trip experience.
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